Thursday, January 13, 2011

Talented Teacher Joins English “Gang”

About three weeks into the second quarter, Mr. Peyton explained to his senior classes that one of them were going to have to move into a new class.  Each of the English teachers had an extra class that they were forced to give up.  In the beginning it was unknown which class was going to have to move. The teachers didn’t get to pick the classes that were to be switched.  It was announced on Wednesday, December 8th that Mr. Peyton’s fourth period class was going to get the new teacher.  That’s when the new teacher, Ms. Margolis found which classes she would be teaching.  “I knew we were going to be the class that was going to change” said Jason Ma “I hoped it wouldn’t be us though.”
Other classes from the remaining English teachers also moved in with Mrs.Margolis.  The English teachers each had an extra class which had to be given up. Even though the students were happy with the teachers they had, they were to accept the change even if it was going to be hard.  The English teachers are good teachers and this teacher is going to add that much more talent to the group.  Ms. Karen Morgolis has an MFA (Master’s in Fine Arts), has a MA (Masters in Education), has worked with Writer’s in The Schools (WITS), and has thought about, but has never got her writing published.  Writing is only one of her specialties; reading can be considered another.  When asked what three books every high school student should read in her opinion, she replied “Not every book is right for every person.  More than anything, I think it’s important that students find an author or a genre that they truly enjoy.  As long as the reading causes you to think and grow and inspires you to read more, it’s probably worthwhile.”
That is what WITS is known for; getting students interested in reading.  WITS is an organization which helps awaken the inner writer and reader in students.  They use creative ways of getting students engaged in their writing or reading.  Not every student shows their talents and this is a way for them to discover their potential.  WITS is a national program working all around the United States.  She worked with WITS for six years and taught poetry workshops at Grant, Benson, Cleveland, and Franklin.  While working for WITS, she also worked as a Creative Writing teacher with Saturday Academy.  “I sat in on her class to ease the transition; everything seemed to be just fine.  I believe that if the students give her a fair shot, they're in for great content. That's what WITS teachers are known for” Mr. Peyton explains.
This is a highly-qualified teacher who wants to spread her knowledge around Benson getting the most out of her students.  Her new students have start attending her class since Winter Break.  They are privileged to be able to experience half a year with her as their teacher.
-Connor Buckley

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